Acceleware provides High Performance Computing software solutions to the Oil & Gas and Computer Engineering markets for multi-core CPUs and compute GPUs. Additionally, our HPC consulting services are utilized by enterprises needing to harness the power of parallel computing. At Acceleware the goal is always the same – Go Faster!
As you can see Acceleware is not just involved in some small way, in regards to High Performance Computing. They have some of the industries biggest and most well known companies that have come to trust in Accelewares capabilities.
This is a link to one of their solutions partners
If one explores this site, we begin to get a feeling for just what Acceleware does and the value it carries. Acceleware possesses the technology that brings about this speed-up in computing to any of the projects it is involved with, through a number of solutions partners, with CST being one of them.
Of course in today's world we view our beloved electronic devices as one of the most necessary items and in many ways they have become that critical. However, Acceleware is also involved with applying their technology to actual life and death situations. Take for example, some of the research being done around the world in an attempt to bring cancer under control, or better yet, to find a cure. For the millions affected by this disease, I am sure this does take on a whole new sense of urgency.
"Our new breast-imaging technology, which is being developed for breast cancer detection, incorporates algorithms such as inverse scattering solutions, which are tremendously computer-intensive. Acceleware’s solution provided us with an order of magnitude speed-up of those computations, allowing for image generation in hours instead of days."
Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nonlinear Control Strategies Inc. specializes in providing photonics software solutions and consulting support in critical areas of semiconductor laser and sub-wavelength nanophotonics/ plasmonics technologies. The former includes the first truly predictive, adjustable-parameter-free seamless path from semiconductor epi design, through wafer-level diagnostics, to the end-running semiconductor laser.
The latter provides a GUI-driven vector Maxwell FDTD software tool Sim3D_Max™ to analyze problems in optical data storage, semiconductor lithography and inspection, photonic crystals, metamaterials etc.
A Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) SimulatorThis simulation package, which implements the FDTD algorithm on a nonuniform mesh, is designed to run as a stand-alone program as well as in conjunction with DIFFRACT™. The interface with DIFFRACT™ makes it especially powerful for simulations that involve near-field interactions with subwavelength structures as well as propagation through complex optical systems. For example, in Optical Data Storage applications, Sim3D_Max enables the user to move beyond the limitations of DIFFRACT™ in resolving reflection from, or transmission through, nano-scale size objects such as grooves, pits, and bumps on an optical disk surface. Sim3D_Max™ can take as its input the vector field generated by DIFFRACT™ (fully propagated from the laser diode to the surface of the optical disk), and returns to DIFFRACT™ the back-reflected beam for further propagation in the return path, all the way to the photodetectors.
Sim3D_Max™ is a computationally intensive code that can run in parallel and take advantage of multiple processors in a multi-core, multi-cpu workstation or a network cluster of such workstations running Windows operating system. Sim3D_Max supports clusters of Windows™ NT,2000 and XP workstations as well as Microsoft™ Windows Compute Cluster Server based High Performance systems that use MS MPI™. In addition, Sim3D_Max™ is also available with the Acceleware™ hardware acceleration option that allows for a several fold improvement in the computation speed for desktop systems. The powerful interface to DIFFRACT™ notwithstanding, Sim3D_Max™ is a stand-alone simulation package, complete with its own integrated Graphical User Interface (GUI). All graphical and analysis functionality is carried out within this GUI environment. For examples of simulations by Sim3D_Max™, please see on-line publications "Interaction of Light with Subwavelength Structures," and "Transmission of Light Through Small Elliptical Apertures, Parts 1 and 2."
As much as many of us would love to see a reduction in the carbon footprint that we as mankind are collectively leaving, this is not something that can happen overnight. It therefore goes without saying that we are, at this point quite dependent on fossil fuels, but the discovery of new areas for oil and gas reservoirs is becoming more complicated. Many new reservoirs are being discovered in ever increasing geologically complex systems. The intense computational abilities needed to successfully interpret the seismic data in the fastest, and most accurate, require a technology that is at the heart of Acceleware. The latter provides a GUI-driven vector Maxwell FDTD software tool Sim3D_Max™ to analyze problems in optical data storage, semiconductor lithography and inspection, photonic crystals, metamaterials etc.
A Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) SimulatorThis simulation package, which implements the FDTD algorithm on a nonuniform mesh, is designed to run as a stand-alone program as well as in conjunction with DIFFRACT™. The interface with DIFFRACT™ makes it especially powerful for simulations that involve near-field interactions with subwavelength structures as well as propagation through complex optical systems. For example, in Optical Data Storage applications, Sim3D_Max enables the user to move beyond the limitations of DIFFRACT™ in resolving reflection from, or transmission through, nano-scale size objects such as grooves, pits, and bumps on an optical disk surface. Sim3D_Max™ can take as its input the vector field generated by DIFFRACT™ (fully propagated from the laser diode to the surface of the optical disk), and returns to DIFFRACT™ the back-reflected beam for further propagation in the return path, all the way to the photodetectors.
Sim3D_Max™ is a computationally intensive code that can run in parallel and take advantage of multiple processors in a multi-core, multi-cpu workstation or a network cluster of such workstations running Windows operating system. Sim3D_Max supports clusters of Windows™ NT,2000 and XP workstations as well as Microsoft™ Windows Compute Cluster Server based High Performance systems that use MS MPI™. In addition, Sim3D_Max™ is also available with the Acceleware™ hardware acceleration option that allows for a several fold improvement in the computation speed for desktop systems. The powerful interface to DIFFRACT™ notwithstanding, Sim3D_Max™ is a stand-alone simulation package, complete with its own integrated Graphical User Interface (GUI). All graphical and analysis functionality is carried out within this GUI environment. For examples of simulations by Sim3D_Max™, please see on-line publications "Interaction of Light with Subwavelength Structures," and "Transmission of Light Through Small Elliptical Apertures, Parts 1 and 2."
Paradigm is one of Acceleware's solution partners. They also happen to be one of the companies that many oil and gas exploration companies turn to, when they need solutions for reaching conclusions, of were to drill for instance, among many other possible reasons.
Paradigm is a company of exceptional people and a leader in rock and fluid interpretation and modeling science and innovation. An independent provider of solutions and services, Paradigm has over 600 employees and a global network of sales, consulting and user support offices in 26 countries.
Paradigm has a well-diversified, global upstream oil and gas exploration and production customer base that includes over 650 national oil companies (NOCs), super-major exploration and production oil companies, medium-to-large independent exploration and production oil companies, and seismic processing service companies.
Paradigm is an active supporter of industry consortia and educational sponsorship in geophysical research and development.
With the price of oil rising this technology will become more in demand as many of the energy exploration companies and producers will turn to Paradigm for the solutions they need to not only remain competitive, but also for the monetary savings in being able to interpret the data they have to work with.
Acceleware also has some very prestigious names that they work with in a business partner type relationship. Microsoft is a name that anyone can quickly and easily identify with. Microsoft works in conjunction with Acceleware to present classes aimed at training programmers in the CUDA language. Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. Acceleware and Microsoft have joined forces to provide training opportunities for GPU programmers using CUDA and OpenCL that adds detailed instruction on Microsoft’s HPC Server 2008 cluster operating system.
Nvidia is obviously quite optimistic about the future of Acceleware as they chose to not only become a business partner of Acceleware but they also invested $3M into the company.
they have worked together for some time now and have achieved many milestones together. Working closely with NVIDIA, we've developed a suite of software tools, or solvers, designed to accelerate the computation of complex equations for the electromagnetic simulation and geophysical markets. Combining NVIDIA Tesla GPUs with our acceleration software provides unparalleled performance and reliability when accelerating software applications such as cell phone design, seismic data processing, printed circuit board design, drug discovery, nanophotonic communications device design, reservoir simulation and lithography mask design.
"Our customers, including every cell phone manufacturer in the world, see the value in using NVIDIA GPUs with Acceleware's GPU-accelerated solver, to speed up their time to market," said Dr. Nicolas Chavannes, Director Software for Schmid and Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG). "The level of computing performance now achievable with CUDA-enabled GPUs will positively impact our customers' bottom lines."
Advanced Micro Devices is an innovative technology company dedicated to collaborating with customers and technology partners to ignite the next generation of computing and graphics solutions at work, home and play. AMD and Acceleware have just released news on May 11, 2011 that the two companies will be collaborating together to offer professional training programs to help developers learn how to create applications that comply with OpenCL standards.
Now to go through all that has been presented here, it leaves in my opinion, the potential of Acceleware definitely being poised for a possible proverbial liftoff. If this were to be true, then at these levels, the investors who enter soon will stand to make a respectable ROI. As with all investments, there is always risk, so all interested parties should do their own due diligence. A perfect place to start would be Acceleware's website, which is located at
For disclosure purposes I have received no compensation of any kind for this post. I own shares of Acceleware and am long on this stock.
need to correct your fonts after the NLCSTR paragraph. Otherwise, another good informative article
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